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How Can Family Members Help Improve Nursing Home Care?

Family members play an essential role in ensuring that loved ones receive quality nursing home care. One of the most important things they can do is to know the signs of nursing home abuse and trust their instincts if something feels amiss. These nursing home tips can help you monitor your loved one’s care and ensure their well-being.

5 Nursing Home Tips for Ensuring High-Quality Care

You can help ensure nursing homes provide high-quality care by actively monitoring your loved one’s health and well-being.

Staying involved can help prevent nursing home neglect and abuse, but it’s important to know that the signs of mistreatment are not always easy to spot.

Learn practical tips below to help your loved one receive the best possible care.

1. Visit Your Loved One

The best way for you to make sure your family member is safe and getting the care they need is to visit them regularly and watch their behavior.

When you are visiting your loved one, find out what kind of choices they get to make. For example, is there any choice in the food served? Do they get to pick their bedtime? Can they participate in a variety of different activities on any given day?

Did You Know

As many as 5 million older Americans experience elder abuse every year, according to the National Council on Aging.

Another good way to get a realistic picture of your loved one’s care is to change the time you visit. Try to visit in the evenings, on weekends, and over the holidays. By visiting at different times, you’ll be able to spot any inconsistencies in staffing and caregiving.

2. Observe Staffing, Cleanliness, and Safety

During your visit, it’s important to focus on details. Pay attention to the staff and make a note of any red flags you see.

By staying alert during your visit, you may be able to get a sense of the actions they take to prevent nursing home abuse and other problems.

Ask yourself these questions while at your loved one’s nursing home:

  • Are staff members focused on residents or distracted?
  • Can staff members identify your loved one by name?
  • Do staff wash their hands before interacting with residents?
  • How quickly does the staff respond to resident needs?
  • Is there mutual respect between staff and residents?
  • What training does the staff receive to ensure proper care?
  • When is the facility’s infection prevention plan reviewed?

If you notice concerning issues, take them seriously. For instance, signs of understaffing — a common problem in nursing homes — can increase the risk of neglect.

The overall organization of the facility is also important. A messy environment with trip hazards on the floor raises the risk of falls, leading to injuries like broken hips or other serious harm.

All of these factors can be indicators of the quality of care your loved one may receive in the nursing home.

3. Watch for Signs of Abuse and Neglect

Some signs of nursing home abuse and neglect may be visible, such as unexplained broken bones and bruises. However, others, like infections or changes in speech, can be more subtle.

If your loved one’s personality or behavior changes, or if there appears to be tension between them and their caregiver, it’s possible they are being mistreated.

Did you know

As many as 1 in 3 older adults have been the victim of nursing home abuse.

If you are concerned about your loved one and you suspect abuse or neglect, you should document your concerns and watch for any additional signs of abuse.

4. Form a Family Committee to Monitor the Nursing Home Together

Once you’ve moved your loved one into their new home, find out if the facility has a family committee that collectively monitors the nursing home. If they don’t, consider starting one.

The committee is designed to monitor and report the nursing home if there is any concerning activity. Because you will not be the only one watching out for residents, some of the pressure will be taken off your shoulders.

5. Check Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare

Another way to ensure your loved one is receiving the best care possible is to look up the facility’s rating using Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare tool. Most licensed nursing homes in the country are listed here with ratings in different categories.

Use Nursing Home Compare to assess the facility’s care standards and identify areas with low ratings.

The nursing home should also have its inspection reports posted on the website or available through the administrator. According to government regulations, they should be able to provide you with copies from the past three years.

It can be hard to move your loved one into a nursing home, especially if you begin to suspect something is wrong. You can ensure a higher standard of nursing home care for your loved one by maintaining consistent records and regularly monitoring them in case you need to take action.

Take Action to Ensure Quality Care for Your Loved One

Family members want the best possible care for their loved one in a nursing home, and their involvement can help support a safe and positive experience.

If you notice signs of abuse or neglect in a nursing home, you may need to take additional actions, like calling the police or filing a legal claim. A nursing home lawsuit can hold the facility accountable and may lead to compensation.

Call us right now at (855) 264-6310 to find out how we can help.

Nursing Home Abuse Support Team
Julie Rivers HeadshotReviewed by:Julie Rivers, MBA

Eldercare Advocate & Expert

  • Fact-Checked
  • Editor

Julie Rivers is an eldercare advocate with over 15 years of dedicated service to victims of nursing home abuse and neglect. Her journey in this field became deeply personal when she assumed the role of an unpaid caregiver during her mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

The Nursing Home Abuse Center (NHAC) was founded to bring justice to those affected by nursing home and elder abuse. Our mission is to educate and empower victims of abuse and their families to take a stand against this unlawful mistreatment. We work to return dignity back to those who have been broken down by nursing home abuse and neglect.

  1. U.S. News. (2024, August 21). How to monitor the care of a loved one in a nursing home. Retrieved December 19, 2024, from
  2. U.S. News. (2024, September 12). Nursing home red flags you should watch out for. Retrieved December 19, 2024, from